HORIZON-EIE-2023-CONNECT- 02-01: Stimulating Experimentation Practice
My name is Susana Pefialver and I contact you regarding the currently open “HORIZON-EIE-2023-CONNECT- 02-01: Stimulating Experimentation Practice” closing on 21/09/2023. I am reaching you from INSOMNIA DIH as a potential partner in case you are planning to submit a proposal under the mentioned topics. Insomnia is a Digital Innovation Hub tocated in Valencia {Spain) and officially designated eDIH for the region of Valencia by the EC {INNDIH). Our main objective is to bring digital transformation through open innovation and build innovation ecosystems in key areas/verticals: Fintech, eHealth, AgroTech, Green, InsurTech, Logistics, Industry 4.0; 1A, Cybersecurity, Big data… Our goal is to boost cooperation between corporation and startups/ scaleups by bringing together innovation and technology solutions and connecting al the players of the ecosystem: +3000 startups/ scaleups; +150 deep-tech solutions; 25 countries connected; +50 corporates (Santander Bank, Caixabank, Reale Seguros, GSK, Equifax, Generali, CESCE, Ports of Spain, Health system…); +300 M€ investments. At EU level, we are currently participating as partners and coordinators in key EU-funded project under Horizon, Digital Europe, EIT Digital, COSME or Erasmus+. Some of our projects are: FAME, INNDIH, MODERATE, INFINITECH, FINANCE4HOPE, Blockpool, Hubiguitous, DLT4ALL, CloudiFacturing, YEIM… If you think we could be a valuable partner for your proposal, do not hesitate to contact me and I will be pleased to further explore mutual collaboration.
Susana Pefialver (spenalver@insomniaconsulting.es)
Invitation for scientific collaboration between the EU and Japanese universities for Horizon Europe proposals
Please find attached an invitation to attend a webinar related to possibilities for scientific collaboration between the EU and Japanese universities in view of the Horizon Europe programme. The webinar will more explicitly address themes on health, digital technologies, soil, alternative energy and clean hydrogen, and mobility.
Innovation Acta for Project AERO-TRAIN
Innovation Acta s.r.l. is an Italian company experienced in the organization of complementary skills courses within the Marie Curie Skłodowska ITN projects, we would like to offer you a series of courses useful to researchers who will participate in your research project. Transferable skills aim to widening the career prospects of the researchers and are key elements for a successful Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions (MSCA) project. They also are integral part of training programme in Horizon 2020 and will continue to be so in Horizon Europe. Innovation Acta offers a number of qualified courses on complementary skills on a variety of topics in line with the MSCA guidelines’ suggestion, to support the career development and training of researchers. Transferable skills represent also fundamental competences that a researcher should possess, beyond the EC funded projects, making the offered topics suitable for the training of a team and staff in each sector. Being specialized in this field, we could act within the project either as a partner organization or as a simple service provider.
More info: https://www.innovationacta.eu/training-courses; info@innovationacta.eu
Agricultural University of Tirana
My name is Alban Ibraliu, lecturer of Genetics and Plant Genetic Resources, with strong knowledge and practical skills on biodiversity, natural genetic resource analysis and medicinal and aromatic plants. As a Vice Rector of Agricultural University of Tirana, I kindly inform you that we are open to cooperate with your Institutions. I would be grateful for a reply to my e-mail address: albanibraliu@ubt.edu.al
The new LIFE programme
If you are planning to submit new R&D project proposals to: “The new LIFE programme under the topics: Circular economy and quality of life Climate change mitigation and adaptation Clean energy transition”. Provisional timeline Launch of Call: Spring 2021 Deadline for applications: Autumn 2021 Evaluation: 2021/2022 Signature of grants: second half of 2022”, we would be happy to contribute and take part as industry partner. Best Regards, Assist. Prof. Dr.-Ing. K. Umut Gökçe Managing Director EOS Sustainable Energy Solutions GmbH R&D Center Prinzenallee 7, Prinzenpark 3. und 5 40549 Düsseldorf Germany Factory EnergieEffizienzZentrum – Bochum Lothringer Allee 2 44805 Bochum Germany Tel: +49-173-583 44 26 E-mail: umut.gokce@eos-energy-solutions.de Web: www.eos-energy-solutions.de; umut.gokce@eos-ses.de
Psicoglobal (http://www.psicoglobal.eu) is a small company in Portugal dedicated to working in various areas linked to education, citizenship training, and employability. The company has the potential to be a private partner in several Erasmus+ projects due to its very experienced human resources in the area of projects funded by the European Commission. We can be very helpful with the quality and communication implementation of any type of project. In this new phase of the Erasmus + program I would like to put it at your disposal to participate and co-construct projects for the calls of 2021. If it seems relevant to you do not hesitate to contact me via email: info@psicoglobal.eu. all the best. E-mail address: ventura.marina@gmail.com
Düzce University, Faculty of Political Sciences
IWe are glad to cooparate in terms of European Union Horizon Europe Projects Processes Partnership Düzce University, Akçakoca Bey Faculty of Political Sciences Located in a coastal town of Düzce/Turkey, Akçakoca Bey Faculty of Political Sciences, established in 2016, comprises three bachelor degree programs including Political Science and Public Administration, International Relations and Economics. Since September 2020, we are welcoming both international and native students to our new Political Science and Public Administration program whose language of education is %100 English. The aim of our faculty is to offer international and interdisciplinary degrees at undergraduate levels in various fields of social and political sciences. As of 2021, the number of academic staff in our faculty has raised to 22; which makes
approximately 30 students per instructor. The academic research fields of our professors and instructors range widely from energy to Islamic finance, European and Middle Eastern studies, comparative politics and modern Turkish history. Contact Person Mail: hicrancelikyay@duzce.edu.tr; ibrahimdzcgnduz@gmail.com
Düzce University, Faculty of Engineering
We are glad to cooperate in terms of the European Union Horizon Europe Projects Processes Partnership Düzce University, Faculty of Engineering Located in very close to ancient Prusiasad Hypium city, Düzce/Turkey, the Faculty of Engineering, and established in 2008, offers eight following bachelor degree programs: Computer Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Mechatronics Engineering. Since the Fall 2021- 2022 semester, we welcome international and native students to our new Computer Engineering (English) program. Also, we have Erasmus+ agreements with many Europe Universities. As of 2021, the number of academic staff in our faculty is 143. Some of the areas of expertise of our faculty members are renewable energy, power sytems, the internet of things, 5G, Big Data Analysis, robotics, artificial intelligence, material science, biomechanics. Contact Person Mail: resulkara@duzce.edu.tr; ibrahimgunduz@duzce.edu.tr
Düzce University, Faculty of Agriculture
We are glad to cooparate in terms of European Union Horizon Europe Projects Processes Partnership Düzce University, Faculty of Agriculture Faculty of Agriculture; was established in 2012. The founding purpose of our faculty is to contribute to the development of the country’s agriculture, to integrate the developing technology into agriculture, to find solutions to existing agricultural problems, especially in our region, and to train qualified Agricultural Engineers. The Faculty is located in Düzce University Konuralp Campus. Until now, within our faculty, there are 5 active departments as follows; Horticulture, Plant Protection, Biosystem Engineering, Field Crops and Agricultural Biotechnology undergraduate programs, and also, Plant Protection Master’s and Plant Protection Doctorate Programs. The academic team of our faculty consist of 5 Professors, 6 Associate Professors, 7 Doctors and 6 Research Assistants. Educational activities has been started in 2015-2016 with the student admission of the Plant Protection Department and today, as yet the total number of undergraduate students reached to over 200 by the 2020-2021 academic year. Our faculty gave its first graduates in 2018-2019. One of the aims of our faculty is to offer international and interdisciplinary degrees at undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate level within the Agicultural Sciences. Contact Person Mail: Prof. Dr. Sevcan ÖZTEMİZ Dean of Faculty of Agriculture sevcanoztemiz@duzce.edu.tr; yunuscakmas901@gmail.com
Cos’è Research Professional
La piattaforma Research Professional consente l’individuazione di opportunità di finanziamento nel campo della ricerca scientifica
La realizzazione di ricerche, personalizzate secondo specifici criteri (disciplina, tipo di finanziamento, ente finanziatore, termine per la presentazione del progetto). Permette di ottenere e condividere informazioni dettagliate su una vasta gamma di programmi di finanziamento nazionali ed internazionali. Oltre alla sezione “Funding”, Research Professional offre la possibilità, mediante la consultazione delle sezioni “News”, “Conferences” e “Awards”, di reperire importanti informazioni circa le novità riguardanti il settore della ricerca scientifica, la possibilità di trovare inviti a presentare articoli a convegni e/o a speciali riviste accademiche, la possibilità di trovare informazioni su precedenti vincitori di grant e dei relativi partenariati.
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Funding searches *
- Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei
- Agenzia di Ricerca per la Sclerosi Laterale Amiotrofica
- Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile – ENEA
- Agenzia per la Coesione Territoriale
- Agenzia Spaziale Italiana – ASI
- Altri finanziamenti regionali
- Alzheimer Association (US)
- American Association for Cancer Research (US)
- Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro – AIRC
- Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking
- Compagnia di San Paolo
- Conferenza dei Rettori – CRUI
- Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – CNR
- Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency – EACEA
- ERA-Net
- European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (LIFE)
- European Food Safety Authority – EFSA
- European Institute of Innovation and Technology – EIT
- European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases
- European Research Council – ERC
- European Space Agency – ESA
- Fondazione CARIPLO
- Fondazione Caritro
- Fondazione Con il Sud
- Fondazione Italiana Accenture
- Fondazione Telethon
- Fondazione Umberto Veronesi
- Fulbright Commission
- Horizon Europe – Excellent Science
- Horizon Europe – Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness
- Horizon Europe – Innovative Europe
- Intesa Sanpaolo
- Istituto Nazionale Assicurazione contro gli Infortuni sul Lavoro – INAIL
- Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare – INFN
- Marie Curie Actions – MSCA
- Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale – MAECI
- Ministero della Cultura – MiC
- Ministero della Salute
- Ministero della Transizione Ecologica
- Ministero delle politiche agricole alimentari e forestali – MIPAAF
- Ministero dello Sviluppo economico – MiSE
- Ministero Economia e Finanze – MEF
- Ministero Universita e Ricerca – MUR
- National Institutes of Health – NIH (US)
- National Science Foundation – NSF (US)
- Regione Campania
- Research Fund for Coal and Steel – RFCS
- Unioncamere Campania
- US Department of Defense